A virtual machine is the best way to test a complete operating system within our OS, without the risk or inconvenience of a dual-boot installation. If, however, we want to try Raspbian, VirtualBox or VMware can't emulate the ARM processor. Let's create a Raspberry Pi emulation on Windows with QEMU.
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A Raspberry Pi emulation is a great way to try out the Raspbian environment without buying a Raspberry Pi first.
But, even if we already own the device, with the Raspberry Pi emulation we can test new software in Raspbian without any risk.
Install QEMU on Windows
First, we need the Windows version of QEMU (Quick EMUlator). We must select the proper binaries for 32-bit or 64-bit Windows.
We download the 20150424 version. The current latest version 20150503 won't work.
After the installer downloads, we don't run the application. We use an archiving program, such as 7-zip or WinRAR, to extract all the files it contains.
Let's say we extract the files on a folder QEMU on the desktop.
Get a Linux Kernel and the latest Raspbian
The next thing we need for the Raspberry Pi emulation is to download a Linux Kernel compiled for ARM and the latest version of the Raspbian operating system, currently 2015-02-16.
We move the Linux Kernel in the QEMU folder, and extract the contents of the Raspbian .zip inside too.
Inside the QEMU folder, it's important to note the exact filename of the disk Image file.
Resize the Raspbian image
The Raspbian image we downloaded will contain the complete Raspberry Pi emulation, and any programs we will install. So, it's a good idea to resize the image and give it a couple more Gigabytes.
We do a Windows search for cmd and open the command prompt.
On the command prompt, we navigate to the QEMU folder. If we created it on the desktop, we navigate with:
cd %userprofile%\Desktop\QEMU
To resize the Raspbian image, we run the command:
qemu-img.exe resize 2015-02-16-raspbian-wheezy.img +10G
Note that we need to use the exact filename of the image file, with the ".img" extension. The +10G parameter will add 10 Gigabytes to the image, which should be more than enough.
Running the command will produce a Warning, but if we get the "Image resized" message, everything went well.
Create a startup batch file
QEMU doesn't have a sexy user interface like VirtualBox and VMware. We need to type long commands to start it up. And it's easier if we create a batch file instead.
We open notepad, or any other plain text editor...
...and paste inside the following command. Ignore the text-wrap, it's all in one line.
qemu-system-arm.exe -kernel kernel-qemu -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M versatilepb -no-reboot -serial stdio -append "root=/dev/sda2 panic=1 rootfstype=ext4 rw init=/bin/bash" -hda 2015-02-16-raspbian-wheezy.img
You might have noticed that the -m 256 part of the command will allocate 256MB of RAM for the Raspberry Pi emulation. Unfortunately, we can't allocate more RAM, or the emulation won't boot at all. This is a bug of QEMU when doing ARM emulation.
We make perfectly sure that the final part of the command is identical to the filename of the Raspbian disk image.
Then, we save the file as .bat. We make sure we save it inside the QEMU folder, with a .bat extension and that we have selected the "All files" option.
If we did it correctly, we will have a Windows Batch File within QEMU.
We double-click this file to start the Raspberry Pi emulation.
Configure the Raspberry Pi emulation for QEMU
The emulator will load to a command prompt.
There, we type:
nano /etc/ld.so.preload
This is a Linux command prompt, and as such, it is case-sensitive. Nano or NANO or nAnO won't work.
The above order will open the ld.so.preload file in the nano text editor. We just need to add a hashtag "#" at the beginning of the single line.
Then we exit nano. We press ctrl+X...
...and then press y for "Yes", to save the changes, and Enter, to overwrite the file.
If we did it correctly, we will get a "Wrote 1 line" message.
Next, we create a new file, with the command:
nano /etc/udev/rules.d/90-qemu.rules
Inside, we type exactly the following three lines:
KERNEL=="sda", SYMLINK+="mmcblk0" KERNEL=="sda?", SYMLINK+="mmcblk0p%n" KERNEL=="sda2", SYMLINK+="root"
We exit with ctrl+X and make sure to save the file (get the "Wrote 3 lines" message).
Then we exit the Raspberry Pi emulation with "exit".
Raspberry Pi emulation: The first run
Now, we 're nearly ready to run the Raspberry Pi emulation for Windows.
Fist, we need to edit the batch file we created earlier...
Inside, the only thing we change is to delete the init=/bin/bash option near the end of the command, including the preceding blank space. Be carefull not to delete the quotes.
After that, we save the batch file, and double-click to open it.
It will take a while to load, and it will produce some errors. This is to be expected.
We have to create again the file we previously made, with
nano /etc/udev/rules.d/90-qemu.rules
Again, we type:
KERNEL=="sda", SYMLINK+="mmcblk0" KERNEL=="sda?", SYMLINK+="mmcblk0p%n" KERNEL=="sda2", SYMLINK+="root"
This time, however, we write the quotes " with shift+2, because the Raspberry Pi emulation currently has an English UK keyboard layout.
After that, again we exit.
This time, the "exit" command will lead to a reboot, that will get us to the Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool. We press "Tab" on the keyboard to select "Finish".
As the pi@raspberrypi user, we type the command:
sudo reboot
This command will close the emulation. We start it again, double-clicking the "Start" batch file.
This time, after the boot sequence, the system will ask us to login.
The default credentials are:
username: pi password: raspberry
Remember, when we type our password on Linux, nothing will show by default, not stars or dots or anything.
Once inside, we type two consecutive orders:
sudo ln -snf mmcblk0p2 /dev/root sudo raspi-config
This will get us back to the configuration tool. We select the first option, "Expand Filesystem"...
The configuration tool will momentarily close, and in a couple of seconds it will queue up the /root partition to expand and cover all the 10GB of the space on the next reboot.
Again, we press tab to select "Finish"...
...and this time, we select to reboot.
The Raspberry Pi emulation will shutdown again. We start it with the "Start" batch.
This time, the boot will take longer. It will seem stuck at the message below.
This is the resize command, and it will take some time. Leave it alone, and in a few minutes it will proceed with the boot.
After we log in as the "pi" user, we do a full update with:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
This will also take a while, both to download and to install the updates. When the update is done, we type:
sudo raspi-config
The most important configuration is the "Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch" option.
There, we select the "Desktop Log in as user 'pi' at the graphical desktop" option.
We can also configure other stuff, such as the locales.
Once we are done, we tab to "Finish".
Once again, we select to reboot.
On the next boot, the system will automatically start the graphical user Interface.
That's it. The Raspberry Pi emulation for Windows is complete.
Did you have any trouble with the Raspberry Pi emulation?
If any of the above didn't work as described, and you were unable to create a Raspberry Pi emulation, leave us a comment. If you used a different version of QEMU and/or Raspbian, you should also mention the exact versions.
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Hello, I have a problem with QEMU.
If I would like to start, the emulator has stopped working.
I tried to run with admin, with compatibility, but the problem still.
Have u any idea, what is the solution? (Google can't help for me :/ )
W7 Professional.
For some reason the latest version 20150503 of QEMU isn't working. Try it with the 20150424 version, on which I wrote the guide.
Thanks, now that's working perfectly.
The next problem is the system doesnt loaded.
I see this message: "Guest has not initialized the display (yet)."
PS: it works,
Can i change the memmory from 256 to 1024?
Unfortunately the current kernel only supports 256MB RAM.
Did you try to allocate more ram earlier, and got the "Guest has not initialized the display" message? Because this is one of the reasons this message appears.
Ya, that was the problem, i changed the ram size first. But, now, working very vell. :)
Aparrently it's a bug with the QEMU arm emulation, not the kernel itself.
Hello. It seams that the link to download the Kernel is broken http://xecdesign.com/downloads/linux-qemu/kernel-qemu
Hi. Thanks for the head's up. It seems that the whole site that was hosting it is down, it has been replaced with a default WordPress Template.
You can grab it from our Google Drive: https://www.pcsteps.com/kernel-qemu
But, even if we already own the device, with the Raspberry Pi emulation we can test new software in Raspbian without any risk.
The graphical desktop flickers (white bar above the trash icon appears and disappears all the time).
Raspbian 2015-05-05.
Now I see what this "white bar above the trash icon" is: It should be the menu bar, but the menu bar is cleared white (no menu items at all) and appears and disappears all 3 seconds.
Thank you, Pete, I will look how this can be solved. Meanwhile, you can download a previous image of Raspbian: http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/
Hi Angelos, Hi Pete,
got the same issue after and install of 2015-02-16 and a full update.
And how about Minecraft Pi? it didn't work,,,
same problem here :-(
Unfortunately, I've been having the same problem, too. Using same software versions as the very thorough and well written manual, but get to the graphic interface, and have the same disappearing menu bar as mentioned above. Unable to use the GUI.
any progress?
Hey Angelos, were you able to crack this issue ? The menu bar is not working as of now.
Hey @Deep@deepankargaur:disqus,
In the next few days, I am going to refresh the guide with the latest versions of Raspbian and Qemu, and see what can be done with all the related issues.
I solved this by following the tip at the bottom of https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=114316 and removing the volume button from the taskbar that is causing the crash.
Use Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get into a terminal, edit the file ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE-pi/panels/panel using vi or nano (if you're not familiar with vi use the tips above for nano). Remove the following:
Plugin {
Config {
When finished do Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return to the GUI and all should be well.
I am unable to make sound to work with qemu windows, can you please help? It seems that alsa support is disabled in windows qemu
Hi Vladislav. Which version of Raspbian are you using, so I can give it a look?
Hi Angelos,
I tried to run qemu emulation on this raspberry build http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/raspbian-2015-02-17/
It seems like the sound driver fails to load, getting this error:
[info] Loading kernel module snd-bcm2835
libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod.c:554 kmod_search_moddep: could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.10.26+/modules.dep.bin'
I keep reading these articles in the hope of emulating the Pi 2 but it's always the same - QEMU won't let you... is that it? Is anyone even working on Pi2 emulation?
My guess is that the hardest part is the ARM emulation, and QEMU is one of the very few emulators that can offer it, if not the only one.
If Raspberry Pi had an x86 CPU, it would have been much easier to create a virtual machine with any popular solution (VMware, Virtualbox etc)
Hi, have you try the TAP network with Qemu?, i can't make it working
thanks!! 100% working...
Thx excelent
Hello, I'm using the 2015-05-05 raspbian image along with the qemu version you said and I'm having a problem, no network access. Is there something missing from your guide? In another guide for this it mentions setting up a network adapter in windows for qemu is this what I'm missing? I'll look for the other guide (if I can find it) and get back...
everything worked just fine until my last reboot where the GUI didn't showed up! what's wrong ?
Hi Angelos,
I'm trying to run raspbian and have reached the part of expanding the filesystem, when I do that, I get a message:
"/dev/root is not the latest partition. Don't know how to expand", tried it a couple of times and it didn't work. I'm using the 2015-05-005-raspbian-wheezy.img.
Please help.
this part is case sensetive, ake sure u get this right
KERNEL=="sda", SYMLINK+="mmcblk0"
KERNEL=="sda?", SYMLINK+="mmcblk0p%n"
KERNEL=="sda2", SYMLINK+="root"
I cannot see the top menu... the screen keeps on refreshing.. its very annoying
Raspbian version : 2015-05-05
Same with me ! Did you find any solution for that
ir works really flawlessly, I used the exact versions described and updated as described.
it boots to GUI but it has a glitch on the menu bar on the desktop. It seems to keep trying to start but failing. I changed keyboard and time zone only in the config.
Hi, followed the instructions above but when running the emulator stage it kicks out of it saying it will try to reboot it after 1 second (kernel panic message!). Nothing happens then. I am running windows 7 and used the qemu version above (not latest) and the latest raspbian jessie 2015-09-24. Don't think it's anything to do with raspbian as it appears not to have got to loading the OS yet but at the emulator running stage. Is this a problem with win7? Should I be using the latest version of QEMU?
Same here, i'm on Windows 10 x64, running same QEMU and Raspbian as above.
I also tried using the latest version of qemu (2015-09-25) and no joy. It keeps crashing the emulator with a kernel panic error and an exit code of 0x00000004 after the instruction 'freeing unused kernel memory 128k'. Error appears to be something to do with 'not syncing'. The kernel version I am using is the one hyperlinked on this page (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxu8unle-0U0VzR0NzdYNDZ0N0k/view). Everything is 64 bit as is my windows 7 version.
The resizing of the raspbian image appeared to work fine. Problem then comes with running the emulator after creating the batch file with the disk image name suitably changed.
I posted an hour or two ago and it didn't appear. Tried with the latest qemu and it didn't work either.
Got news, try with a wheezy img, at least i can pass that point, i'm doing it right now.
Carlos, thanks eventually got it working!
Spent some time at this today and eventually got it working. Lesson appears to be don't use any version of qemu or raspbian other than those mentioned above (no updates or anything). Also for the 2nd last step don't apply the updates as pi user. Using later versions of raspbian wheezy won't show the task bar (2015-05-05) and raspbian jessie won't work at all (this is what the link above brings you to). Post from Angelos below shows where to get previous verisons of wheezy.
Thank you for your input, Hoplite.
I will find time to review the guide, and see if there is a way for latest versions of Raspbian to work. I guess part of the problem is the old kernel file.
The website that originally provided it was shut down for some reason, that is why I uploaded on our Google Drive. I will see if I can find a newer kernel file.
It works as described with the specified versions, but you must NOT do upgrading or updating.
Jojo, do you mean that this command should not be run? - I have got as far as that stage so far and don't want to have to start again..
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
Ok I have my answer. After running the update command above and booting to desktop I have a taskbar that seems to repeatedly try to load at the top of the screen but then dissappears. I reverted to a snapshot and skipped the above line and I can now boot to desktop with a working taskbar.
Update: I have since run both;
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
And the system is running fine. Need to sort out resolution though...
Could you try and update the tutorial with the kernel for the new Raspbian Jessie? The kernel image can be found here: https://github.com/dhruvvyas90/qemu-rpi-kernel
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the kernel image. I will plan an update to the tutorial in the next few days.
Almmost everything went correct,but after the update command, the download has almost stuck
seems raspbian-jessie one not working. always reboot it after 1 second . shall we build the kernel-qemu by ourself ? saw something here https://github.com/polaco1782/raspberry-qemu
Even with the new kernel from https://github.com/dhruvvyas90 I had no luck with Jessie. I've given up because it was terribly slow on my computer anyway.
Btw, congrats, your article managed to get a link into the favorites bar of my browser, ;)
well, i go this one working. with new version and qemu. here are steps
you will need a linux box (I used ubuntu or any other OS that can mount an ext4 file from a .img file.) qemu-w64-setup-20151208.exe is working well in this case.
1,fdisk -l /media/smb/2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img
2,get the 512 byte and start from 131072 so my offset is 67108864 for image 2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img
3,mount -v -o offset=67108864 /2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img -t ext4 /path/to/mnt/
4,cd /path/to/mnt
5,nano ./etc/ld.so.preload
6,Comment out every entry in it, ctrl + x –> Y to save and exit.
7,nano ./etc/fstab
8,Comment out entries containing /dev/mmcblk, ctrl + x –> Y to save and exit. 9,cd ~
10,unmount /path/to/mnt
(if the device is busy, try umount -f or umount-l)
Once done with this changes, you can emulate it on Qemu by, qemu-system-arm -kernel kernel-qemu-4.1.7-jessie -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M versatilepb -serial stdio -append "root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 rw" -hda 2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img
but my issues is , you can't change screen resolutions , and not able to start the minecraft. "Failed to open vchiq instance“
seems need to rebuild the kernel with vchiq support.
Thanks a bunch Lei! This solved the rebooting error for me. :-)
Thanks a lot, I was missing the part where you had to comment the two mmcblk entries in /etc/fstab. Now it works for me, too :-)
I got the disappearing taskbar as well when I used the latest wheezy img. The 2015-02-16 version works fine though. Also I tried updating using:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
instead of dist-upgrade, is there any difference? The taskbar still works fine, but how I do I check what version I'm really running?
uname -r reports 4.1.7+
lsb_release -a reports Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 (wheezy)
Am I running the latest version (sorry I'm totally new to linux)
Thanks for any info and btw great site it was really super helpful!
i got the disappeared task-bar as well. have you try to run minecraft in your case ?
if you don't need it, you could always go for Jessie one, refer to my other reply
The top bar/panel on the GUI isn't loading for me. It tries to load, disappears, and keeps trying.
Well just loaded into LXDE. No problems there.
I tried to do the tutorial, but it was reboot... what happen?
Hi - I have the exact same results, using 2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img. Have you made any progress on this issue? I plan on performing the steps Lei putlined below... will let you know how it goes...
You need to use the 2015-02-16... image version as this is linked to linux-qemu.
Sadly, that is the one I tried first. Same result!
I get stuck in this part, pls, someone can help me.
*Using 2015-05-05 wheezy... i couldn't find the version
Thanks for the guide!
For folks having issues with jessie, check out https://github.com/dhruvvyas90/qemu-rpi-kernel/wiki/Emulating-Jessie-image-with-4.1.7-kernel - I had to fire up a temporary linux VM - which qemu can do just fine - and mount the image to do some file system modifications. Once I did that, the steps from first boot to finish worked with the following exceptions:
I didn't have to re-edit the boot rules. Seems they stuck just fine. In addition, it defaulted to graphical mode, so I had to Alt-Ctrl-F1 to get back to the console to complete the steps. I set it to autologin as pi, command line, and it is working great.
Were you able to expand the filesystem with raspi-config? For me, that failed with an error "sda2 is not an sd card. Don't know how to expand" So I followed the instructions here to fix that: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=44856
$ sudo bash
# sed -E 's/mmcblk0p?/sda/' /usr/bin/raspi-config | bash
Just curious if anyone else had to do that, or if I missed a step somewhere. It certainly seems to be working otherwise.
I need to check the state of GPIO with the simulation, so how can I make it?
I have been following this topic with great interest. First, I would like to congratulate Mr. Angelos Kyritsis for his excellent work on putting together this excellent guide. Following his tutorial, QEMU emulation of 'Raspbian Wheezy' works well. The challenge (as we all know so well) has been to get 'Raspbian Jessie' to behave properly. This is where I would like to thank commentor 'Lei'. Following his steps led to a successful boot of 'Jessie'.
Let my summarize my hybrid technique (I am running on Windows 7 64bit):
1) I obtained the 'kernel-qemu-4.1.7-jessie' from https://github.com/dhruvvyas90/qemu-rpi-kernel/blob/master/kernel-qemu-4.1.7-jessie as recommended.
2) I used the latest QEMU Version: qemu-w64-setup-20151216.exe
3) Using VirtualBox under Windows 7 64-bit running Linus Mint 17,
I used Lei's technique:
a. fdisk -l /media/smb/2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img
b. Get the 512 byte and start from 131072 so my offset is
67108864 for image 2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img
c. mount -v -o offset=67108864 /2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img -t ext4 /path/to/mnt/
d. cd /path/to/mnt
e. nano ./etc/ld.so.preload
f. Comment out every entry in it, ctrl + x –> Y to save and exit.
g. nano ./etc/fstab
h. Comment out entries containing /dev/mmcblk, ctrl + x –> Y
to save and exit. 9,cd ~
i. unmount /path/to/mnt
4) The first time, 'Jessie' booted fine but nothing I did could get
'raspi-config' to expand the filesystem. Good try, but must start
5) Since I had already done a QEMU image expansion, I had to get a
fresh 'Jessie' image and and perform Steps 3a-3i again.
6) This time, I copied the image onto an SD card and used the
RAW device access (post if you need an explanation) of VirtualBox
to allow Linux full access to the SD card. I then used 'gparted'
to expand the SD card to its full 8GB size and used 'Win32DsikImager'
to write the now expanded image back to disk so that QEMU could have
access to it.
I realize this seems cumbersome and that others would have a simpler solution,
but it worked and I was able to boot into 'Jessie' with a fully expanded file
My next steps were:
1) Login to user 'pi' and change the password using the 'passwd' command.
2) Execute 'raspi-config' to set my Timezone and Keyboard localization
and set it to boot to command line.
3) Issued 'startx' to bring up the desktop. It came up without much
of a problem.
3) 'sudo apt-get update' completed without any problems.
4) 'sudo apt-get upgrade' completed mostly. The only complaint
(a frequent one throughout my further endeavors) was a report
that "chmod cannot access 'dev/fuse: no such file or directory"
5) After a reboot and a 'startx', the desktop booted, the Wastebasket
and menu bar did their little dance a few times and then stabilized.
Voila! I have a (mostly) function and updated 'Raspbian Jessie' emulated under
QEMU. I could NOT have done this alone without the fine work done by others here.
Further Successes:
1) I was able to install a fully function mail system:
sudo apt-get install exim4
sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
using smtp.gmail.com::587
2) I was able to install and configure 'fail2ban'.
1) I tried to setup a Windows share using:
sudo mount -t cifs -o rw,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials //192.168.1.xxx/RaspPIShare /mnt/win7share
but got the error:
"cifs filesystem not supported by the system"
Apparently, this is built into the Kernel and would need to be
fixed there requiring a recompile. But I am only guessing.
2) As others have noted, there currently seems to be NO way to
resize the screen.
I hope that together we can work out the remaining issues. I welcome any comments or criticisms. Thank you.
Daniel S.
I received errors today when upgrading packages, which is highly unusual, is this to be expected with a VM? I rebooted and everything *seems* to be OK.
"Setting up systemd (215-17+deb8u3) ...
Failed to set capabilities on file `/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt' (Invalid argument)
The value of the capability argument is not permitted for a file. Or the file is not a regular (non-symlink) file
Failed to execute operation: File exists"
"Setting up fuse (2.9.3-15+deb8u2) ...
Creating fuse device...
/run/udev or .udevdb or .udev presence implies active udev. Aborting MAKEDEV invocation.
chmod: cannot access ‘/dev/fuse’: No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing package fuse (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"
Please replace the raspbian operating system link to this one :
So that no one would use another version of raspbian and have troubles later with the latest version.
This offers also torrent download.
Hi, just to say that the instructions are very clear and newbie friendly. Sadly, after running into the disappearing Menu bar in the GUI and fixing it by deleting ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE-pi/panels/panel I still encounter problems. The mouse is very sluggish in the emulator window and I am unable to guide it further up than roughly half of the screen. And apparently the deleted code is responsible for audio which I hoped to work on. Oh, well. I'll see what I can come up with.
Hi, thanks so much for the instructions, got the emulator up and running great! However, when I try to run the Pi-Hole command, which reaches out to install.pi-hole.net, it returns the error "Couldn't resolve host 'install.pi-hole.net'". I have a separate static IP setup for the Pi emulator and the Pi can see the gateway, but for some reason traffic isn't leaving. Any ideas? Thanks!
thaaaaaaank u
WARNING: Image format was not specified for '2016-03-18-raspbian-jessie.img' and probing guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
U R not EL91, U R ELF 91 LVL ))))))
hi, i'm a real newbie so i would like to explain what i'm trying to do.
I've have a raspi but unfortunally i have bot usb port not working so i can't plug a keyboard.
if possible to virtualize raspian, configure it, enabling SSH, or maybe install on emulated raspibian VLC and then transform the virtualized raspibian into a ,img file to put on SD card?
Thanx in advance, any help will be appreciated
Whenever I run QEMU it runs for a little bit and says its rebooting and doesnt re-open.
can you tell me how did you solve this problem ?
Thanks a lot EL91 ... this was a great help. I couldn't get it to work with the latest version of raspbian... I recommend all to use the mentioned link to download 2015-02-16-raspbian-wheezy.zip
Hello, I tried to follow the guide with the newers versions of the QEMU software (qemu-w64-setup-20160903.exe) and of the raspbian operating system (2016-05-27-raspbian-jessie.img) and using your same version of the kernel as in the guide.
The problem is that wenn I launch the Start.bat the first time, the QEMU windows is opened and after a moment he try to reboot, at this moment the programme stop to run and crash.
If I look at the file stderr.txt file I found this message "WARNING: Image format was not specified for '2016-05-27-raspbian-jessie.img' and probing guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
What is the problem? Can somebody help me?
kernel can not download
Not found, error 404
There was a problem with the link, but it is fixed now.
thanks for posting this ... i did every single step and it's fine until you type " startx " , the desktop taskbar is flashing , shows and hiding and the trash can is moving up and down as the taskbar shows and hides ... can't do anything about that ,,,, help :(
I am getting a message saying that root account is locked and strting shell....and it is not getting into the raspi-config window..what should I do?
The guide being nearly two years old, it makes sense that it might not work as it used to. Since it is relatively popular, I will try to find time and update it within the month, and see what needs to happen for everything to work
Hey ... I'd really appreciate it if you would update the article because as a beginner, looking for a way to emulate a Raspi with QEMU it is really hard and there are no up-to-date sources available. Thanks a lot in advance !
I have same problem. i try to solve it now. I will contact you if i solve it.
Can you contact me if you solve this problem?
i solved it.
maybe you had solved it already but i'll tell you.
type this
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot
before you type this command, you have to check /dev/
and if you have partition mmcblk0p1 then you can type this command
but if you have other partion, you have to follow that.
different solution is to change /etc/fstab
use your solution and it allows me boots Rasbian but I have to do it manually every time to start up on the other side can't resize the partition, any help?
i have a recalbox .img but i dont know how to boot the raspbian boot ok, but i can boot from the img of recalbox
this is the run.bat of raspbian
qemu-system-arm.exe -M versatilepb -cpu arm1176 -hda 2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img -kernel kernel-qemu -m 192 -append "root=/dev/sda2"
what i have to change to boot from the c32final.img image of recalbox
The out-of-the-box Wheezy works, even in my VMWare-based Windows7 Virtual machine (impressive!)
Has anyone gotten a Jessie image to run?
I went through the steps (with the exception of the resize disk) but executing the run.bat file gives no message(s).
run.bat contents:
qemu-system-arm.exe -M versatilepb -cpu arm1176 -hda 2017-07-05-raspbian-jessie.img -kernel kernel-qemu -m 192 -append "root=/dev/sda2"
Charlie Lindahl
I have also tried to use jessie-lite.img; I DID go ahead & do the disk resizing (added 5G instead of 10G).
run.bat now looks like:
qemu-system-arm.exe -M versatilepb -cpu arm1176 -hda 2017-07-05-raspbian-jessie-lite.img -kernel kernel-qemu -m 192 -append "root=/dev/sda2"
I get a little further along in the boot process, but I do get a kernel panic.
anyone got a precompiled qemu with raspbian?
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ef9d6d4bd1b961c6ee0d947239ecffbcdd1ebed6c74000201f4e58c7a5dfe5eb.jpg I tried this with current QEMU (qemu-w64-setup-20171217) and the current Raspbian (2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch).
It seemed to go fine until removing " init=/bin/bash". The step after that, it errors out, says "Cannot open access to console, the root account is locked"
It's unresponsive after that, and I have to close out.
That kernel file is outdated.
Use https://github.com/dhruvvyas90/qemu-rpi-kernel instead.
doesn't work. C:UsersaaaadDesktopqemu>qemu-img.exe resize stretch.img +10G
WARNING: Image format was not specified for 'stretch.img' and probing guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
SetEndOfFile error: 112
qemu-img.exe: Error resizing image (5)
hello, please my configuration process fails to restart right after the first stage in the cmd.
any help?