Facebook Groups are by far the worst part of Facebook. Any of our Facebook friends can add us to every useless group they want, without our permission, and we then have to leave the group manually. In this guide, we will create a macro to leave Facebook groups automatically.
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Download and install Pulover's Macro Creator
To create the macro that will help us leave Facebook groups automatically, we will use Pulover's Macro Creator.
For a detailed guide on this exceptional Windows automation program, check out our guide:
Windows Automation with the Free Pulover's Macro Creator
Create the "Leave Facebook Groups" Macro
First thing we need to do is log in to Facebook and navigate to the page that shows all the groups we were added to but have never visited:
This is an excellent choice if we want to leave Facebook groups. We know for a fact that we don't care about any of groups within, or else we would have visited them at least once.
Create the "Leave Facebook Groups" algorithm
The key to this macro is to program how to leave one Facebook group, and then have the macro automatically repeat this action until we left every group.
So, to leave a group we first click the "Leave Group" button
...check "Prevent other members from adding you back to this group" and "Leave Group".
While this will remove us from the group, it' won't remove the group from the list without a page refresh.
After we refresh the page, the group is gone.
What will make our algorithm even better is to figure out how to do everything using the mouse as little as possible.
We need the mouse to click on the "Leave Group" button, of course...
...but after that, the checkbox is pre-selected, so we can check it just by pressing the space bar, and press Enter instead of clicking on the second "Leave Group" button.
Such keyboard shortcuts are crucial when creating a macro because they are more reliable than mouse movements.
So, this is our algorithm:
- Click "Leave Group"
- Space, for the checkbox
- Enter, for the second "Leave Group"
- F5 to refresh the page so that the group is removed
- Repeat.
It's pretty straightforward, and it is easy to create an automated macro to leave Facebook groups.
Program the macro
We don't need to be professional programmers to program a macro. Neither we need to know a full programming language such as C++ or Java. It is much simpler than that.
Before we start programming the macro to leave Facebook groups, we need to open the Windows snipping tool.
Using the snipping tool, we will grab three small parts of the screen. One picture of the first "Leave Group" Button...
...which we will save as "Leave Group 1".
One picture of the second "Leave Group" button, which we will save as "Leave Group 2".
And, finally, one of our browser's "reload" button, which we will save as "Page loaded".
It's critical to get these pictures right because our Macro will use them to understand what's going on onscreen.
On a blank macro, we click on Image / Pixel Search.
We select the "Page Loaded" button. The macro needs to make sure that this appears on the screen because this means that the page is fully loaded - if the page was still loading, we would find an X at its place.
After we select the image, we uncheck the Add "If Statement" and check the "Repeat until Found". This will make the macro wait until the page has fully loaded.
Then, we add another Image / Pixel Search with the first "Leave Group" picture. If the image is found onscreen, the macro will left-click on it. If it isn't found, i.e. if no groups are left or something went wrong, the macro will stop.
We add a third Image / Pixel Search, for the second Leave Group button. On this one, we also uncheck the "Add if Statement" and check the "repeat until Found".
This will make the command wait for the "Leave Group" Window to appear.
Once the "Leave Group" Window has appeared, we need to press Space, Enter, and then F5. So, we right-click on the Macro Creator window and select "Insert Keystroke".
There, we insert "Space" with a delay of 500 milliseconds (0,5 seconds)...
..."Enter" with a delay of 500ms...
...and F5 with a delay of 3500 milliseconds (5,5 seconds).
Those were the timings we found to work well on the test system. You can experiment with lower timings, for faster macro execution, or higher timings, for increased stability.
The "Leave Facebook Groups" macro is ready
To run the macro we click "Activate Macros".
Then we drag Pulover's Toolbar away if it is blocking the reload button. The button needs to be visible onscreen for the macro to work.
To start the macro, we press F3, and we can stop it anytime with F8.
Once the macro works manually for a couple of groups, we can do a bigger test, having it loop for 10 times.
If everything works well, we can select zero, for the macro to constantly loop, and leave Facebook groups until there is not even one left.
A few minutes later, we will have left all the Facebook groups, and the whole "New groups" section will close.
Following the above guide, with few changes, we can create the same script to leave Facebook groups from the "Your Groups" section.
We need to be careful in this section, though, because it will also contain groups we created ourselves, and groups we chose to join.
Do you need a particular macro?
The macro to leave Facebook groups automatically is only one of the practically endless macros we can create, to automate boring and repetitive tasks on our PC.
If you want a specific macro for a particular task, leave us a comment, and we might create it for you on a future guide.
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I need one to comment automatically in Facebook so i can keep my posts on top, can you please make one?