When we download Windows 7 ISOs, we can install Windows without a product key. The installation will go through, and we will get a 30-day trial of the operating system. With the official Windows 8.1 ISOs, though, we can't skip entering the product key during the installation. Let's see how to bypass this restriction and install Windows 8.1 without a product key.
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The Magic "ei.cfg" file
We can somewhat understand Microsoft's point of view when they made the product key mandatory for a Windows 8.1 installation. It sort-of makes sense as an anti-piracy measure.
With the Windows 7 30-day trial, one could install Windows and have them for free. Then, once every new moon, they could format and reinstall Windows, and no one would be the wiser.
Also, one would need to have Windows installed if they wanted to run an activator, should they swing that way. So, Microsoft decided to cut the problem off at the root. Mandatory product key equals no trial, equals no activator. Makes sense, doesn't it?
And then, they made it easy to bypass this system. And, when we say "easy," we mean "child's play" easy. That's Microsoft for you.
The only thing we need is to create a notepad file, on any version of Windows.
Inside, we copy and paste the following:
[Edition ID] Professional [Channel] Retail [VL] 0
The only "hard" part is that when we save the file, we don't leave the default "Text documents" on "Save as type."
We select "All Files" and type the name "ei.cfg."
The result is a file ei.cfg that has a type "CFG File."
We 're halfway there. With this ei.cfg file, we can Install Windows 8.1 without a product key.
We just need to get it in the Windows 8.1 installation medium. There is the easy way and the hard way to do so.
How to Install Windows 8.1 without a product key from USB
The fastest and easiest way to install Windows 8.1 without a product key is by creating a Windows installation USB drive.
We need to download a Windows 8.1 ISO from Microsoft if we haven't already. Then, we can use a 4GB or larger USB flash drive and an app, such as Rufus, to create a Windows 8.1 installation USB.
After that, it's just a matter of dragging our ei.cfg file and dropping it in the "sources" folder in the USB.
That's it. Once ei.cfg is within the "sources" folder...
...we can install Windows 8.1 without a product key. The Windows installer won't even ask for one; it will straight-up begin the installation.
The installation will ask for a product key after the first automatic reboot, but there will be a handy "Skip" button.
Of course, Windows are not activated. We will need a valid product key for that.
How to Install Windows 8.1 without a product key from DVD
Sometimes, using a Windows installation USB isn't an option. Maybe we don't have a USB flash drive, or an old motherboard might not support boot from USB.
In this case, we need to edit the ISO file so we can add ei.cfg before we burn it on a disc.
For this, we will use the 30-day trial version of gBurner. It's one of the few free apps that can edit a 2GB+ ISO, no questions asked.
We will find the latest version at http://www.gburner.com/download.htm
Earlier versions of Gburner came with multiple unwanted third-party apps, such as Ad-Aware Web Companion
However, the current version as of this writing, gBurner 4.3, seems to be free of such shenanigans.
In any case, we should never blindingly click Next->Next->Next on any installer. Also, apps such as Unchecky can help to ensure a safe installation.
Finally, on the last screen after the installation, it's a good idea to uncheck the option to associate .iso files with gBurner, especially if we will only use it for the 30-day trial.
After gBurner starts, we select "Continue Unregistered."
We click the "open" icon and select the Windows 8.1 ISO.
Once loaded, we select the "sources" folder, click on "Add" and choose the ei.cfg file.
After we make sure ei.cfg was added correctly in sources, we select File -> Save As...
It's a good idea to choose a different name for the ISO, so we will have the clean ISO as a backup, in case something went wrong.
And that's it. We can right-click on the new ISO, select "Burn disk image" to burn it to a DVD, and we 're good to go.
You might have noticed that the new ISO is a bit smaller than the original, even though we added a file. Apparently, gBurner does some slight data compression during the ISO creation process.
This won't matter for the Windows Installation, though. Either if we burn this ISO to a disk or use it to install a Windows virtual machine, it will work just as well.
Did you have any trouble installing Windows 8.1 without a product key?
Did you have any problem with the above and couldn't install Windows 8.1 without a product key? Leave us a comment.
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Aggele why i should use 30 days trial burning iso program called gBurner , although i can use power iso or everything other copying program .. Is there a specific reason to use gburner?
And something else i cannot believe that i can crack legally (if i can say that expression) with a change notepad.. There are personal testimonials of other people doing that (including yourself)
Costas, no other trial program allows you to edit a 2GB ISO, like gBurner does. Many programs, such as WinISO have restrictions on the free edition, such as editing ISOs only up to 500MB.
Doing the above is not cracking in any way. You will need to have bough a legal product key to activate Windows. This will only help you install Windows without a product key, it will do nothing about the activation.
oh ok now i understand!
Does the 8.1 version also include the recover patition ?
No ISO includes the recovery partition. This is something the manufacturer of a laptop creates on the hard drive, and if you deleted it, you can't easily recreate it.
When I try to drag the text document into the ISO's sources it says not enough space and I need an additional 2kb to copy the file. I don't have the ISO on a USB. It's just in my downloads folder. I am just trying to use it for a virtual machine. How do I add more space or get it into the folder.
I have the same problem. Why no answer?
Hi Seth and Ritalin,
We updated the guide so it will work with the latest ISOs from Microsoft. Give it a try and let us know if it worked for you this time around.
I have my original 8.1 full install disc, lost the packaging with the key. can not find an answer
on how to get one without having to buy another
If you still have Windows installed, you can find the product key with an app such as ProduKey:
If you don't have windows installed, and it was a brand-name PC, you could try contacting the manufacturer support, maybe they can help you through your serial number.
also, if your pc laptop came from the manufacturer with windows 8/8.1 it will activate its self becuase the key is encoded in to the bios
Since Scott mentions the packaging, he probably has a retail version of Windows 8.1.
Laptops with preinstalled Windows usually don't have a full install disk or the product key on the packaging.
In any case, thank you for your input.
how can i find the windows product key through serial number??
You could try contacting the OEM, but they will usually charge you to send a new product key.
This tutorial is all nice and well if your installing Windows onto a computer. But what if Windows is already installed, how do we get around activation then?
This is not a tutorial to illegally activate Windows. Installing Windows 8.1 without a product key will only provide a trial version that will need to be activated.
So, in either case, you will need a Windows license to legally activate Windows.
Does this work for any version of Windows 8.1? I'm wanting to use the trial period until I get a copy of 8.1. I'm going to get the full version and not the OEM one.
Yes, it will work for any version of Windows 8.1
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Will I have to eventually buy windows 8.1 to activate and continue using it?
Yes. The system will nag you to activate, and it will probably lock up after a while. There is no official word on how many days you can work like this.
I have done this and it lasted me for over a year! But I wanted to upgrade to Windows 10. I'm trying this again on another laptop
Thanks for the info.
Finally, a working solution! You have saved me from madness! My HDD crashed on a Lenovo system with the windows 8.0 key that was embedded in the bios. Nothing else worked to get WIndows 8 installed on a new drive.
The problem probably is that your Lenovo had a Windows 8 with Bing product key, which isn't compabitle with the retail Windows 8 ISOs.
You can try to download Windows 8.1 with Bing from here https://www.pcsteps.com/210-download-windows-8-1-isos-legally-free-microsoft/ , although there are more than one versions, and it is sometimes difficult to find the compatible one.
This.. dis not work.. VBox errors as it gets to the download screen
Hi Sad,
We updated the guide so it will work with the latest ISOs from Microsoft. Give it a try and let us know if it worked for you this time around.
Help me to solve "Something Happened, setup has failed to validate the product key" after made ei.cfg
Hi Joshia,
We updated the guide so it will work with the latest ISOs from Microsoft. Give it a try and let us know if it worked for you this time around.
Many thanks, your tip helped me a lot. Regards.
I have a Problem with the installation of. The setup is trying to start but then a problem appears. --> Product Key couldn't be checked. I don't if that is the right failure in english but i think the meaning is the same. Can you help me ??
Something might have chanced sinse I wrote the guide. I will look into it and make the necessary updates.
Hi KPerle,
We updated the guide so it will work with the latest ISOs from Microsoft. Give it a try and let us know if it worked for you this time around.
Worked for me! Thank you so much!
Click skip!
Great! It worked for me
Hello guys, I suggest you to go visit this website licence-activation dot com you will find the cheapest activation keys for Windows 8/8.1
USB didn't work for us but the DVD did work. Now our computer finally works again (:
Try the DVD way!
The setup was just as if I had not modified the iso file. Can someone please help?!
Hi James,
We updated the guide so it will work with the latest ISOs from Microsoft. Give it a try and let us know if it worked for you this time around.
thank you so much... 100% worked!
Hi, thanks I thought I was finally there. Alas no. Help please as I'm tearing my head out with windows 8. Using a USB exactly as above but processed stalled in Windows 8.1 set up screen. Messages 'this PC can't run windows 8.1' and 'You can't install Windows on a USB flash drive with Setup.'
Hi John,
From the messages you get it seems like you are trying to install Windows on an external drive, instead of the PC's internal drive.
Do you have any external drives connected during the installation, other than the Windows USB Flash?
I used the DVD option, but the problem is that the installation says "Windows cannot find the Microsoft Software License Terms. Make sure the installation sources are valid and restart the installation."
Hi Cory,
We updated the guide so it will work with the latest ISOs from Microsoft. Give it a try and let us know if it worked for you this time around.
Hello. Does this method in the articles still works and can I install he software from DOS? Thanks a lot!!!
Thanks ????
hi , i do all what u said but unfortunately it doesn't work at last , i need help with problem https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/706a0521d5991fb89bc2e8c813f9d9d11f60350e61c3dc9696a568f1f2081f35.jpg
thanks , it works 100% but now i need to activate it with crack :D
Do you mean that you need an activation key? If you have one, would you be kind to share? Thanks!
Can you give an example of how to fill the notepad file?
Downloaded ISO from M/S and modified with the ei.cfg file, but getting Boot error.... EFIMicrosoftBootBCD, Error code:0xc0000185
Finally making the switch to Windows 10 but apparently I need to load 8.1. Running 8.0. DOwnloaded 8.1 Single language and did the ei.cfg tip. Used USB option and it didn't recognize product key. Changed the [Edition] to "Single language" and it again didnt recognize the product code. Deleted the ei.cfg file and it prompted me for key code. Used the NOvei to find my key code. Copied and entered into request when running setup 8.1 file and it doesnt recognize my 8.0 when installing 8.1.
Any hints?
Need product key to go from windows 8.0 to windows 8.1.....any updates?
I do not know if this works: GCRJD-8NW9H-F2CDX-CCM8D-9D6T9
people should really understand that ei.cfg method dosnt work anymore... please stop spreading this old rumor around and stop making things difficult for people.
It worked nicely installing win8.1 from a iso. I had to use the gburner but it was painless. Thank you¡¡
wow tnx its still work nov 2018